Monday, December 23, 2024

Tracking Practice - September 16, 2008

While I was at the Tops Spermarket, I took Scout out to set a track for Dino. I parked athe car behind a Burger King. I walked Scout out the lot, across the street and around some buildings and then back onto the street. I then walked up ont the street and along the sidewalk. I walked down the street to the end of the shopping center. At the end of the shopping center I made a right rurn, back toward the center. Then I made a right back toward the car. I then made a left heading toward the Longs store. . In front of the store I made a right turn and walked in front of several stores, and then I made a right turn back toward the car.

I took Dino out and put on his harness. He was excited and looking arond for something to start searching for. I walked him directly across the street and cut into Scout's trail. I told him "take scent" as I showed him the apper towel with her scent. He pickedj up the trail right away and started to follow it. He went around the building and out onto the street. He crossed the street and went to the sidewalk. Along this sidewalk he seemed to get distracted and wanted to cuut across the bushes. he did this numerous times. I couldn't tell if the was getting bored, which he hadn't done in the past. I couldn't telll if he thought the trail was in that direction. I did the rgular thing, which was to stop hkm and let him figure out that the scent wasn't in that direction. When he went straight again along the trail, I would praise him. But then he would cut into the bushes again.

Later on I thought hat he was loosing interest because there wasn't food. I thought about using a clicker with treats in the future when he gets turns and tough spots. I will try that to help him out.

Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Asia Practicing Tracking, Daly City, Westlake Shopping Center, Southgate and Lake Merced Blvd, February 3, 2021


Very busy shopping center with lots of cars and people and traffic. Perfect tracking

Full track from strava map from Patty and Yuri.

This is only a single section. Started on Southgate.

Showed her all the corners to start and she got going towards Lake Merced Blvd
Then got the turn into the shopping center and then the right into the middle!

Asia practicing tracking in San Francisco at Ocean and Everglade, December 31 2020


Asia practicing tracking, Fulton and Sixth Streets, San Francisco, December 24 2020


Track laid by another person

Great practicing at all 4 corners

Asia got all the turns at all the corners

Great focus

Friday, May 24, 2024

Asia practicing tracking at Safeway on Fulton and 48th, San Francisco, December 19 2020


Had another person lay a track for Asia with their dog in San Francisco

Didn't know the direction of the track. Just had a Strava map. 

Parked the car and showed her back and forth on La Playa and parking lot. Took her to the middle and she needed a couple of extra checks back and forth. Then she got it going in front of the store. Turned right behind the store and turned right again on to 48th. Turned into parking lot and then I had her continue to follow it across Fulton and into the park. 

Then we went to the car and rewarded with tennis balls and treats!!

Asia practicing tracking, Stonestown Shopping Mall, San Francisco, December 10 2020


Had another person lay a track with their dog around Stonestown shopping center. They walked their dog the night before. 

They sent me a Strava map and I looked at it only to confirm the turns were correct and to give her a treat as a reward. 

She got all the turns and street crosses at all the correct places. 

She was thorough and very aware of what she was doing. Very thoughtful and careful. 

Asia's Tracking Training, 47th and Santiago, San Francisco, November 18 2020


Asia practicing on Santiago and 47th, Part #1

Asia practicing on Santiago and 47th, Part #2

Asia practicing on Santiago and 47th, Part #3

47th and Santiago

One thing I did differently this search was I spaced out the food the most and I also started to give rewards directly from me, rather than on the ground. This will start to move her to working on searches from other people.

She got every turn, even the diagonals across the street. She needed extra help on a couple , but eventually got them all.

Asia's Tracking Training, Westlake Park, Daly City, October 29, 2020


Track: Tacoma

Kibble pieces spaced to several feet away and wider 

Bigger Jackpots

Super focused

Next track: Space kibble further and further apart.

Asia's Tracking Training, West Portal Drive, San Francisco, September 24 2020


Asia Tracking Practice West Portal September 4 2020

About 9 PM and dark

15 steps minimum between treats

Great focus and determination

Distracted briefly by a couple of barking dogs but got back on the search.

Did corners really well. Remained focused. 

Asia Tracking Training, Everglade and Ocean, August 28 2020


14 to 16 steps in between kibble

Weather was cold and overcast

Had been over a month since last practice so tried to keep it simple

Asia did great as usual!

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Asia's Tracking Training, July 22, San Francisco


Start: Everglade and Ocean
End: Everglade and Lake Merced and Gellert

Food was spaced 10 to 12 feet apart

Trying to increase spacing and leaving bigger jackpots

Have a ball at the end in my pocket as a reward

Weather was sunny but windy

Asia's Tracking Training July 9 2020, San Francisco

Streets:  Everglade and Oean

Time: noon

Scent: Rusty

Kibble was anywhere from 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 feet apart

Asia was super excited and eager and remained focused the whole time. 

She got turns easily and remained happy to work.

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Asia's Tracking Training, July 1, 2020, San Francisco

19th and Wawona Pool

Outside from front Door, down concrete walkway, across plants, right onto sidewalk and down about 50 feet. 

Kibble placed about 5 to 6 feet

Kibble is 3 to 4 pieces in a pile

Weather was sunny and warm, about 75 degrees

3 PM

No people around

Pool was closed

Jackpot in orange material at end

Solid on the track and food

Never stopped or got distracted

Asia's Tracking Training June 28, 2020, Fort Funston, San Francisco

Paved Path covered partially with Sand

Straight with a couple of scoops and curves but no angles

Due to the sand, the treats/kibble didn't get put down in equal spaces, which caused some inconsistency and took her longer. She did continue to look for the treats and even got the curve uphill before I got there. 

Great persistence despite the difficulty. Would love to run that one again at another time. 

Asia's Tracking Training May 28 2020

 Silliman Center, Newark

1. Scent: Elton

2. Track was next to baseball fields

3. Kibble placed 2 to 3 feet away and several  pieces at each point.

4. Straight part was about 50 feet. Then went diagonal about 20 feet to 90 degrees left turn and then 2 paces to jackpot.

5. Results: solid on track, great focus, very eager once harness was put on.

Asia's Tracking Training, May 15 2020 Silliman Center, Newark


Weather was overcast and damp.

1. Used Rebel as scent

2. Put kibble every two feet

3. Asia remained focused from start to finish on track. 

4. Eager to get harness on.

5. Started looking around once harness was on.

6. Played on flexi afterwards

7. Great response

8. First time to use jackpot cloth at end.

Asia's Tracking Training May 14 2020

 Silliman Center, Newark

11 AM

1. Put down kibble varying between 1 to 2 feet apart

2. Surface was grass, then concrete and back to grass

3. Straight lines. No turns

4. Used Palo's scent

5. Played with ball and released after.

Asia remained focused on finding kibble. She did spend a little more time to look for kibble in grass compared to on concrete. We worked in an area that we had not worked in the past.

Asia's Tracking Training May 2 and 3, 2020

 Day #1

50 foot track

1. No turns

2. Kibble is every 1 foot

3. Reward at end

Day #2

50 foot track

1. Left turn at end

2. Kibble every 1 foot

3. Reward at end

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Teaching Variable Surface Tracking: Step Eight: Teaching Tracking After Kibble is Off of Ground

 Teaching Variable SurfaceTracking

Step Eight

Teaching Tracking After Kibble is Off of Ground

Since the kibble is no longer on the ground, the rewards of food now come directly from the handler's pocket or treat bag. I personally carry a treat bag full of treats on all searches, and regularly reward my dog throughout the search. Along with my water bottles, I put on the treat bag at the beginning of the search, while putting on their vests and leashes. 

What is Variable Surface Tracking Compared to Single Surface Tracking?

What is Variable Surface Tracking Compared to 

Single Surface Tracking?

"You take your dog out of the car, attach his harness and approach the track. The dog takes the scent from the bandanna left at the start and, nose down, begins tracking along the edge of the parking lot. After 50 yards, he turns, enters the parking lot and passes several parked cars. He makes a turn in the middle of the parking lot and leads you through a number of children getting out of their car. You follow your dog out of the parking lot, across a strip of grass, and onto the beach. There is another turn past windsurfers getting their boards ready for the water. With only a glance at them, your dog tracks past and indicates the article, a large metal belt buckle, left by the tracklayer. A quick drink of water and he is off again. You follow him down the beach, make another turn, and enter the picnic area. He tracks past the tables and barbecue pits, into the weeds and scruffy grass alongside and finds another article. This time it is a small leather eyeglass case. Down the track, one final turn, and he is tracking along the edge of the road leading to the beach. He finds the last article, this time a plastic credit card holder, and the track is finished." (Pernicka, C., 2024)


Pernicka, C., 2024, Sirius Dog, Getting Started Tracking Variable Surfaces,

Carrying Water on Tracks and Searches

 Carrying Water on Tracks and Searches

Always carry plenty of water for both people and dogs since finding access to drinkable water while on a search can be difficult. If you do find public water like a water fountain, then you can fill up your water bottles then. 

Teaching Variable SurfaceTracking: Step Nine: Having other people lay tracks

Teaching Variable SurfaceTracking

Step Nine

Having other people lay tracks

What is needed:

GPS map or handwritten map of where the person walked with their pet

Article in plastic bag that is wiped down from their pet and sealed. 

The person walks in an area with the pet and then provides the above articles. 

Rewards After Searches

 Rewards After Searches

These rewards should be based on what makes your dog jump for joy. Some dogs have favorite toys like tennis balls or tug toys. Find out what makes your dog super happy and then save that for after a search. You can do this when you get back to your car or you can do it after leaving the track at the end of the search. 

Teaching Variable SurfaceTracking: Step Seven: Starting to move from kibble on ground as a reward to treats from me while on search

Teaching Variable SurfaceTracking

Step Seven

Starting to move from kibble on ground as a reward to treats  from me in pocket or treat bag while on search

Gradually increase the kibble pieces a good distance away, at least with a turn, then start to do less kibble pieces and more treats from me in treat bag or my pockets. This gets her away from looking for the reward on the ground, to looking for the reward coming from me, which is how it will all eventually be. 

The Difference Between Tracking and Detection

 The Difference Between Tracking and Detection

Tracking and Detection are two completely different types of Scentwork.

Tracking involves following one specific organic scent of a moving person or animal. The scent is shown to the dog and the dog should not follow any other scent.

Detection is when the dog is to find a single stationary scent only that does not involve a moving object.

What types of places to use to teach tracking

What types of places to use to teach tracking

Change surfaces to increase difficulty

    a. business parks

    b shopping centers

    c. schools

    d. public streets

    e. public parks

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Square Cloths to Use as Jackpots and Rewards on Trails.

 Square Cloths to Use as Jackpots and Rewards on Trails

These cloths are about six inches square and I use them as a reward at the end of a track, 

They contain food treats like kibble or other small treats you want to use. I use kibble since it is easy to tie and contain. 

In the beginning of training I will leave the kibble reward at the end of the track hidden somewhere out of sight so that the dog can't see it. 

Once the dog is more experienced I have the kibble pouch at the car to mimic what a real search will be like, which is that we go back to the car to remove the harness, play with a toy like a tennis ball or tug and get a quick food reward. 

Tracking Books for Variable Surface Tracking

Tracking Books for Variable Surface Tracking

 "Tracking Dog. Theory and Methods"

Glen Johnson 

"Mastering Variable Surface Tracking. The Component Training Approach"

Ed Presnall

"Mastering Variable Surface Tracking. The Component Training Approach Workbook"

Ed Presnall

Teaching Variable Surface Tracking: Step Six - Increasing Distances

 Teaching Variable Surface Tracking

Step Six

Increasing Distances

To be posted soon

Teaching Variable Surface Tracking: Step Five - Including Cross Tracks and Back Tracks

Teaching Variable Surface Tracking: 

Step Five

Including Cross Tracks and Back Tracks 

To be posted soon. Stay tuned.

Teaching Variable Surface Tracking: Step Four - Increasing the age of the track

Teaching Variable Surface Tracking:

Step Four

Increasing the age of the track

                            24 hours

                            48 hours

                            5 Days

                            6 Days

                            1 Week

                            2 weeks

                            3 weeks

                            1 month

Should be old enough by that point. Rarely ever have track older than one month to follow. 

Teaching Variable Surface Tracking: Step Three: Increasing Difficulty

Teaching Variable Surface Tracking: 

Step Three

Increasing Difficulty

Increase distance of kibble

    a. inches increasing to feet

    b. Add in 90 degree turns 

    c. Cross streets

Change surfaces to increase difficulty

    a. business parks

    b shopping centers

    c. schools

    d. public streets

    e. public parks

What rewards to offer at the end

    a. toys to play with

     b. treats

Teaching Variable Surface Tracking: Step Two: Running a Dog on a Track

Teaching Variable Surface Tracking: 

Step Two

Running a Dog on a Track


1. Showing scent to animal

    a. dropping treat into bag

    a. telling "take scent"

2. Taking to start line

    a. kibble is in pile at the start

    b. Say Search

3. Dog is picking up kibble while learning there is scent there

4. Showing Corners to dog

    a. showing the dog the difference between places where scent is and is not so they learn that there are places where scent will be and not be and that they follow where the scent is. 

4. Start with short tracks of a couple of blocks and then gradually add turns and more blocks and more turns and crossing streets. 

5. Practice tracks will always remain short and fun. Not drawn out. 

Teaching Variable SurfaceTracking: Step One: Laying a track with food and scent for the tracking dog to follow

Teaching Variable SurfaceTracking: 

Step One: 

Laying a track for the tracking dog to follow

Using Food to Teach Tracking: Step Two - Spacing Out Food on the Track

How to decide what track to pick.

    a. 90 degree turns

    b. Crossing streets 

    c. No distractions like other people or other animals to start

    d. Neighborhoods, closed business parks to start

    e. Start with short distances and then add distance as the dog becomes more advanced. Start with about 50 feet, letting the dog become successful and then add distance. 

Using Food to Teach Tracking: Step Three - Moving from Food on Ground to Food in Pocket

Putting down kibble

        a. Pick another animal to walk along with you or carry in carrier like a cat or small animal like rabbit. 

        b. Put down pile of kibble at start, starting close and gradually increasing distance

        c. Start with 6 inches and then work up to a foot and then add feet to get further and further away. 

Using Food to Teach Tracking: Step Four - Moving from Food in Pocket to Food in Treat Bag

The animal used for the scent.

    a. The animal can be walking or in a carrier

    b. Walks along with you. Doesn't have to do anything special like peeing or pooping. 

4. Ending a track

    a. For a beginner dog, don't cross tracks on your way back to put the scent dog away. Later on once the tracking dog becomes more advanced and can do cross tracks. 

5. Getting scent from the other animal

    a. Take a couple of sheets of paper towels and rub those all over the animal. Do this for a couple of minutes. 

    b. Take those sheets and put them into a plastic zip lock bag.

Friday, May 3, 2024

What is involved in a tracking harness?

What is involved in a tracking harness? 

Well, tracking harness are designed for comfort and wearing for long periods. The dog will never pull in a tracking harness. There will never be any pressure or weight, so they don't need to  fit like a carting or weight pull harness.

A tracking harness is more of a special piece of equipment that signals to the dog what they will be doing next: tracking. The harness should never be used for any other purpose. Only tracking. It is never used for walking or running or pulling. Only tracking.

The harness should be completely adjustable for sizing so that it fits the dog uniquely.  Personally I think a Y shape through the chest is best since they fit the best and dont apply any pressure on the shoulders and allow full movement of the shoulders and front legs.

I would recommend putting the tracking harness on first before anything do that the dog has time to build up excitement over the next few minutes..

Dino wore the same harness for every search every day. It was the signal for him to tell him what was coming up. He would go bonkers with excitement as soon as the harness was put on.